Posted by: Bill Stark | August 31, 2008

What is InnerView

We are all saplings in a tough world

We are all saplings in a tough world

We all have one….an innerview….a point of view…a story, a burden, a message.   Innerview is a desire of mine to help people express their story to the world, in order to help those around them.  This is a part-time effort on my part (for now), but I sense a real need for storytelling, for honesty, for truth and in-your-face messages to youth.  Our world is broken and the messages my kids get from the world are, at best, mixed.  More often than not, the messages they get are self-oriented and not wise for them.

I want youth to hear stories of hope, of triumph, of pain, of glory, or desperation, of peace, of agony over decisions and of joy over actions.  It’s the good, the bad and the ugly.  Our world tries so hard to make everything look and sound good….we are plastered with a sense of being “put together” and thin, and good looking, and happy, and confident…but we aren’t.

Innerview is my part to help dispel the myth, get under the real life, the real person, the real issues of life, so that my kids and other youth can learn from others and make wise decisions and see the world as it really is – a beautiful, wonderful, broken place that is quite hard to navigate.  Using the Internet we’ll be able to create channels for other groups like businessmen, prisoners, divorcees and, yes, the aging with depression on the rise.

We’ll introduce the world to in 2009.  For now, this will be a place to generate ideas, post ‘innerviews’, think, explain, chart and prepare….for a world where youth can come and hear truth and find hope.

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